Wednesday, September 17, 2008

32 and Counting

I can't believe it's already the middle of September. Things around Monticello are going great. Work has kept both Billy and me super busy. I guess that's why I can't believe it, but I'm 32 weeks along. On my goodness... 8 weeks to go. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we get closer to the day we meet out little boy!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome Baby J

Billy and I visited Micah and Sheena this past weekend and got to meet Baby Jaylin for the first time. Billy and I are super excited to be an aunt and uncle. We fell in love with her right from the moment we met her! Jaylin is so sweet and oh smells so good. She is such a laid back baby... I wonder who she gets that from? It was sweet watching Billy as he sang to Jaylin whenever he held her. Needless to say, one of the songs he sang was Hey Fighting Tigers! He's going to be a great daddy come November! We really enjoyed our stay in Oklahoma and look forward to the next time we'll see them again.

Happy Happy Birthday BILLY!

Yes, it was quite a birthday for Billy and a big one at that. Billy turned 35 August 30. He was so excited to be spending his birthday in Tiger Stadium. We had a great time... as we applied and reapplied sunscreen throughout the game. The game was a killer considering it was moved to 10:00am. After the game we headed to Eunice and stayed the night with Mrs. Janet and Mr. Lynn. Early Sunday morning, we (several of Billy's family and Lou Lou) headed to Monticello where we had a big hurricane party for several days. I loved every minute of it. I loved having everyone over. Thankfully no one had damage done to their home. Praise the Lord!