Tuesday, April 26, 2011


MawMaw, PawPaw, and Uncle Moon came to visit us Easter weekend.

Andy shared his tiger and puppy with Catie while she was sleeping.

Proud big brother!

Andy checking out his new baby sister!

Andy loved Easter this year! Needless to say, he made a complete mess with the eggs. They ended up being a brownish, blackish color, but we all enjoyed watching him decorate them.

Andy hunting eggs in the backyard.

PawPaw, MawMaw, and Andy made and decorated a chocolate bunny cake. Andy enjoyed putting all the jelly beans on the cake!

Andy checking out his Easter basket before getting ready for church!

Playing on the floor with her big brother!

Andy was so proud to hold his sister. He actually asked if he could hold his Catie. It was so sweet to watch him hold, kiss, and talk to her while they sat in the rocking chair!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

More of Catie

Mimi and Andy waiting for Catie to be born!

Dad came to pick us up at the hospital. He's such a proud Poppy!

Going home!

Home sweet home...all four of us!

The Newest Lil' Gothreaux

Welcome Catherine Claire Gothreaux!

Proud Mommy and Daddy!

Andy checking out his new little sister!

Yay our little Catie Claire has arrived! I went into the hospital on April 8, 2011 at 5:00am to be induced. Catie made her arrival at 6:15pm. She weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. (which is exactly what Andy weighed) and was 20 1/2 in. long. We are so thankful for our little miracle! She is now 2 weeks old and weighs 8 lbs. 7oz. She's doing great and changing in looks already! Andy has been such a big helper and loves his baby sister! He helps get diapers, wipes, and poopy bags. He turns her swing on and off as well as the music. He likes to make her smile and tickles her check when she is crying. He's such a sweet little guy!