Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears...Oh my!

Walking with Daddy on a bridge at the zoo!

I got the biggest kick out of these sheep. They made the loudest "baa" noise I think I've heard!

Petting a actually pinching the snake.

Playing once we got home Saturday afternoon.

Playing with his blocks and trucks after church.

What a weekend! We made a last minute decision and headed to Birmingham for a couple of days and had a ball! Being there sure made me miss being near and living in a city. Birmingham was much life there!!! We enjoyed some shopping and good food Friday night and then met up for breakfast Saturday with some good friends. After we ate, we headed to the zoo. Oh we had a blast...I think I enjoyed it just as much as the kids did! It has been years since I've been to a zoo. Once we drove back home, we were in full force and played hard outside til dark! Church on Sunday and then a LONG nap for Andy...well all three of us!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cleaning up the yard

Andy having some yogurt on his tractor.

A couple of work shots on Saturday.

Oh my goodness. The fried green tomatoes were oh so yummy!

Sunday: Andy got a little boo boo after bumping his head on a chair. MawMaw, PawPaw, and Andy by PawPaw's red truck!

What a fun weekend. MawMaw and PawPaw came to visit us this weekend. The weekend started off great...Billy and I got to have us a date night Friday night. Whoo Hoo....hadn't had one of those in a while! We enjoyed some yummy sushi and attempted a movie. The movie was playing kind of late for us so we just rode around town for awhile! Saturday we all rode around Columbus and looked at the old homes in the area and then drove to Starkville and checked out Mississippi State's campus. Once we got home, it was time for some serious yard work. Billy and Mr. Lynn raked and burned pine needles. Later that afternoon, Mr. Loyd(our neighbor) brought over some yummy fried green tomatoes and kindly cleaned up the mess(tall grass, branches, weeds, etc.) next to our house with his trusty tractor. Boy is the yard looking good now. Thanks for all the help...the Gothreaux's yard is on it's way to winning Yard of the Year. Whoo Hoo! HA!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Art time: We made binoculars and he enjoyed looking through them!

Andy was tuckered out after "art time" and he decided to play with his trucks laying down!!! (This is a rare thing for Andy to play laying down...that's why I had to take a picture!)

We washed the car this weekend. Andy watched as Billy cleaned the tires and once Billy put the brush down, Andy grabbed it and starting scrubbing away! He's such a big helper!

At the Camp

This past weekend we headed to Meadville, MS for a family reunion. We had a great time and got to visit with lots of family! Andy enjoyed the open fields to run, swing, ride the four wheelers and tractors until his little heart was content...or until Mommy and Daddy had had enough!!!

Visiting the GPs!

We went to visit MawMaw Fleur and were able to see aunts and uncles there as well.

Playing outside at MawMaw and PawPaw's house. MawMaw and PawPaw kept some old trucks(the yellow one) Billy and Aaron use to play with. Now Andy is sure enjoying them as well!!!

Entertaining himself in the house!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Funny Story

For the past few days Andy and I have gone swimming with a friend and her three children. We've had a blast and Andy is loving the water more and more. This morning while we were getting ready to head out to the pool, I told him we were going to bring some toys to play with. I told him it would be fun to play with some beach balls. So as I was getting our bag ready, he rolls my massive exercise ball for me to pack. It was so funny. Little Andy bringing this huge ball! Andy insisted we bring it, but once he saw it didn't fit in our bag, he was cool with the other balls we packed. I wished I would have snapped a picture...priceless.