Thursday, April 29, 2010

All Boy!

Pushing his cars over the bucket!

Andy building a bridge to help his cars go over!

Andy building a tower with pillows in the living room!

Andy is definitely all boy! No, I'm not complaining AT ALL...I just think it's so cute and oh so different from the little girls we've recently been around. I think it's incredible to see how the Lord, at such an early age, gives little boys the desire to like cars, airplanes, trucks, etc and how they like to be rough and oh so loud (well at least my little boy)! And then to watch little girls...they only like to stay outside just a few minutes or would rather play dolls or house then with blocks or cars...amazing and just so precious to watch! Thank you Lord for the children you've blessed us with and how they are precious in Your sight!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Andy Reading

Here's a short video of Andy reading his book to Billy and me. He has all of a sudden started talking to us...well anyone like he's having an actual conversation with us. He seems to really know what he's saying, but of course it's in his own language. It's the cutest thing.

Family Crawfish Boil

Andy enjoyed some pudding his cousin Jaylin gave ended up all over him. Hmm...I wonder if he tasted any and if any actually made it to his mouth?

The kiddos got the biggest kick out of watching the live crawfish!!!

This past weekend was the annual Stewart "work" weekend and crawfish boil. We all met at Granny's and were ready to work all day Saturday. But due to bad weather that we were all anticipating, Dad, Chaney, Kris, and Micah got after the yard work Friday. They worked so hard and got it all accomplished in one day. So for the rest of us when we got there...we enjoyed the beautiful weather all day Saturday. Thankfully, the Lord blessed us with wonderful weather...not one drop of rain all weekend!!! Yay! Thank you Lord for the sunshine! That afternoon, the men boiled up some yummy crawfish. They were so delicious! We had a great weekend catching up with family.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some Firsts for Andy!

Andy crawled in the stroller all by himself and asked his daddy to blow him some bubbles!

Ok so the last picture looks absolutely gross...but I just had to share just how much Andy enjoyed his candy!

I just had to share these pictures. Andy got into his daddy's candy stash and ate his Junior Mints. My child LOVES junk!!! Andy was so disappointed when there weren't any left! Also, there a pic of Andy eating cereal with milk all by himself. What a big boy!

Andy's Buddies!

This past week Andy had a play date with Montana and Sage. A good friend of mine, Jamie, who lives in Alabama, brought her two little ones...Montana and Sage to play with Andy for the day. Boy did they have a blast! Andy was so excited to show and share all his toys with them. Montana and Andy enjoyed tickling one another too...well Montana enjoyed tickling and Andy enjoyed giggling. Andy still hasn't "learned" how to tickle yet. But needless to say the three kiddos had a blast. We are looking forward to our visit to Birmingham in the very near future.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catching Up...

Daddy and his buddy at the River Walk in Columbus. I just love the pic of Billy and Andy on the sweet!!!

Andy reading and playing at home.

My two favorite boys before and after church.

Daddy and Andy playing in our yard at home.

Mommy and Andy at the River Walk in Columbus.

Andy playing at our house.

At MawMaw and PawPaw's home enjoying his Easter gifts.

Here are a few random shots of the Gothreaux's. We are loving our spring time weather and have been playing outside as often as possible! Thanks to our Lord who has provided the beautiful sunshine!!! YAY!!! Andy will be 17 months on Saturday and is growing so much! He has learned "NO" and shakes his head when asked various questions. His latest animal sound is the puppy and can also say "Go Go!" which was taught to him by his MawMaw and PawPaw.