Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun Weekend

Last weekend, the three of us headed down south to Eunice. Billy's high school was having their annual softball tourney where all the different classes played one another! It was a lot of fun getting to meet all his old buddies. Billy was a proud daddy and got to show off little Andy to everyone as well! We did lots of visiting with the fam. Andy got to meet cousin William for the first that he's 9 months old and William's almost 8 months. Whoops! The two were cute together and played well! I was really bad about taking pics this weekend, so there's only a few. But here are a few random shots of Andy getting into all kind of things at the house! The fun has just begun!!! HA!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

On the Move!!!

We were outside blowing bubbles while Billy grilled us something yummy to eat!
His first ever Sonic Blast! We're still not to sure how he likes it!!!
Yay! I made it to the kitchen!!!
Playing with an empty carton of Blue Bell Ice cream.
Stuck in the middle!

OK so Billy and I thought we had it good and all figured out. We thought we'd just set Andy with his toys in one location and he'd crawl around 4 or 5 times and then stop and play. Well that's not the case any longer! He's on the move!!! He went in the laundry room and got stuck in between the case of water and the vacuum. He's followed us in the bathroom while we're getting ready. He recently has made his way to the kitchen and tried to be a big helper and help unload the dishwasher! It's exciting and such a special time for both Billy and me to watch as our little Andy is growing up! Also, I put in a few pictures of Andy eating some ice cream. I'm not exactly sure how he likes it, but I think he likes chocolate better then vanilla! Go figure-both his mommy and daddy love chocolate so much more then vanilla!


Last week, Billy, Andy, Mimi, and I all drove to Branson for some fun and SHOPPING. Although Billy had some meetings to attend, he still had lots of fun too! Oh my goodness...I haven't been to Branson since I was a kid and boy how things have changed. Not only was it really pretty there, there was so much shopping to be done! Right outside our hotel was the boardwalk, lots of outdoor stores. YAY!!! It was very nice. There was music playing and different water shows that Andy just loved! Andy also loved all the people watching he was able to do!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Uncle Moon's Big Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to Uncle Moon!!! Yeah! Moon, Maw Maw, and Paw Paw came to visit and together we all celebrated Uncle Moon's big day. We enjoyed each other's company, along with a good ole game of Scategories. Moon and Billy relived their childhood and brought out the old ball and gloves. They had fun playing catch in the heat! We also had fun playing with and being entertained by Andy. Good Times Good Times!